当会について ☆当サイトについて   Since 2/5/1999
★★★ 東京教育大学新聞会 OB会 ★★★
-Tokyo University of Education Newspaper Society Alumni Association-
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[オープニング写真は14秒間隔のスライド表示です] 1965年新聞会山中湖合宿 2014年OB会有志の会山中湖観秋会 大塚キャンパス遠景大塚キャンパス正門大塚正門表札若竹像W館と図書館占春園嘉納治五郎像農学部本館 グラウンド側から見た体育学部
[The opening photos slide in 14-second intervals.] Our Session at Lake Yamanaka,1965do.,2014Otsuka CampusMain Gate of Otsuka CampusNameplate of Otsuka CampusWakatake(Young Bamboo) StatueWest Hall and LibraryJigorô Kanô StatueFaculty of Agricultural Science Main HallFaculty of Sports Studies Ground

   当会活動アルバム   当会消息不明者・物故者名簿  全日本学生新聞連盟 鎮魂・東京教育大学   ★同窓生のWebサイト集  
   Our Activity AlbumAlumni Missing and Passed Away  Union of Student Press    Requiem for TUE  Websites of TUE Alumni

「文理科大学新聞・教育大学新聞 縮刷版 1946-1973」―残部僅少!特価販売中―

-"Reduced Edition of Tokyo University of Education Newspaper 1946-1973",Few Remnants,Special Price on Sale

クリックで拡大(Click to enlarge)

取扱出版社 あずさ書店(当会本部事務局)
 〒160-0023 東京都新宿区西新宿8-10-8 電話 03-5389-0435
 郵便振替 00160-7-26689
縮刷版刊行当時の大反響! Great Sensation of this Publication!
 1978年2月14日付 日本経済新聞 夕刊
 1978年3月 5日付 読売新聞 朝刊
 1978年3月 5日付 サンケイ新聞 朝刊
 1978年3月10日付 日刊ゲンダイ
 1978年3月12日付 朝日新聞 朝刊
 1978年3月18日付 図書新聞
 1978年3月23日付 朝日新聞 夕刊(外山滋比古お茶大教授の所感)



所載記事紹介/ 朝永振一郎教授の「思い出ばなし」/ 家永三郎教授の教科書訴訟(第一次)

Placed Articles/Professor Sin-itiro Tomonaga Reminisced About His Old Days/Professor Saburô Ienaga's 1st judicial action agaist the official sanction on the textbook of Japanese History(1965)



Union of All Japan Student Press(1949-1970)/Historical Documents



As of April 2024 already 46 years have passed since its closure and few people know about it now, there was a university called Tokyo University of Education in Tokyo between 1949 and 1978. This university is often referred to as the current University of Tsukuba, but after a fierce struggle, Tokyo University of Education was abolished and University of Tsukuba was newly established, making them two separate universities. Tokyo University of Education was the only national university to be closed after the World War II.It had existed for only 30 years.(This site was established in 1999, 21 years after the university closed. See "About this Site" below.)
The following pages are dedicated to the repose of the soul of Tokyo University of Education, which was erased from this earth and no longer exists. Bless you !

 Slideshow 想い出の東京教育大学 ☆当会保管の写真で綴る激動の大学百年史☆
―1872年の師範学校創設から1978年の東京教育大学閉学までを177枚の写真で綴るスライドショー. 11分―
English Version Slideshow "Memories of Tokyo University of Education",177 photos covering the time from the normal school's establishment in 1872 to the closure of Tokyo University of Education in 1978. 11 minutes.

 朝永振一郎学長の桐花寮祭での講演 「昔の思い出」 ☆1962年6月10日☆
―朝永学長が自ら語る体験談の貴重な音声テープ、当時桐花寮生の角皆静男氏(のち北海道大学教授、2015年ご逝去)が録音. 80分―
English Version Principal Sin-itiro Tomonaga talked about his old days at the Festival of Tôkaryô Dorm,June 10,1962, recorded by Shizuo Tsunogai(a dormitory student at the time,later professor at Hokkaido University,passed away in 2015). 80 minutes.

 60年安保闘争当時の新聞会日誌 ☆1960年4-10月☆
Daily Log of Our Newspaper Society at the time of 1960 Security Treaty Struggle -April-October,1960-

 東京教育大学の筑波移転問題 ☆筑波大学はどのようにして成立したか☆
Historical Documents on the Tsukuba Relocation Problem of Tokyo University of Education

 東京教育大学について ☆東京教育大学はどのような大学であったのか☆
Various Documents about Tokyo University of Education closed in 1978

クリックで再生(Click to play)

Exposition of "Sen'yôka" and Student Songs



Websites of the Alumni of Tokyo University of Education

★ 関連他サイト(Related External Sites) ★

筑波大学(東京教育大学の後継大学) University of Tsukuba(Succession of Tokyo University of Education)

茗渓会(系統大学・学校の同窓会) Meikei-kai(Alumni Association of Our Family Universities and Colleges)

筑波大学新聞(筑波大学当局発行の公式新聞) Public Newspaper of University of Tsukuba

筑波学生新聞(筑波大学の学生新聞) Student Newspaper of University of Tsukuba

★ ウィキペディアの関連記事(Related Articles on Wikipedia) ★

東京教育大学 東京教育大学の教員 東京教育大学の人物一覧 東京教育大学出身の人物

 教育大学新聞 全日本学生新聞連盟 筑波移転反対闘争 筑波大学新聞

東京高等師範学校 東京文理科大学 東京農業教育専門学校 体育研究所(東京体育専門学校) 筑波大学 茗渓会 

★ 各種Webサービス(Web Services) ★

翻訳サイト DeepL   検索エンジン google bing   ポータルサイト Yahoo! Infoseek goo msn excite

   ★ 当会について(About Our Association )当サイトについて(About this Site)
-About Our Association(Tokyo University of Education Newspaper Society Alumni Association)-
 Our association began as Otsuka Gakuyû-kai Kaihô-bu(Otsuka Students' Association Newsletter Bureau) of Tokyo Higher Normal School and Tokyo University of Arts and Sciences, established in October 1930, and was later renamed Bunrika Daigaku Shimbun-kai (Tokyo University of Arts and Sciences Newspaper Society) in March 1948, and then Tokyo Kyôiku Daigaku Shimbun-kai (Tokyo University of Education Newspaper Society) in July 1949, and continued to publish newspapers until April 1973.(Reference:"Title Logos of Past Newspapers Published by Our Old Societies", "Daily Log of Our Newspaper Society at the time of Security Treaty Struggle","Activity Album of Our Association".)
しかし、1978年3月の東京教育大学の閉学を前に、1973年4月、東京教育大学新聞会そのものが、最後の会員の卒業によりメンバー不在となって消滅したため、翌1974年6月、過去に同会に在籍した者が東京教育大学新聞会OB会(参考=2008年7月12日総会記念写真)を結成し、「文理科大学新聞・教育大学新聞 縮刷版」の刊行などの事業を行なってきました。初代会長は内田京治OB(1949年入会、2006年ご逝去)、初代事務局長は吉田文太郎OB(1955年入会、1980年頃から消息不明)です。縮刷版の刊行業務を行ったのは森山光人OB(1951年入会、2004年ご逝去)の経営していた績文堂出版です。(会員数/1974年6月パールホテル両国での創立総会時=139、2015年7月池袋ホテルメトロポリタンでの最終総会時=89。減員は死亡、消息不明による。「当会消息不明者・物故者名簿」参照)
 However, before the closing of Tokyo University of Education in March 1978, Tokyo University of Education Newspaper Society itself ceased to exist in April 1973, with no members left after the last member graduated. In June 1974, the following year, those who had been members of the society formed Tokyo University of Education Newspaper Society Alumni Association(reference: commemorative photo taken at the general meeting on July 12, 2008), which has been conducting projects such as publishing the "Reduced Edition of Tokyo University of Education Newspaper 1946-1973".The first president was Kyôji Uchida OB(joined 1949,passed away in 2006), and the first secretary general was Buntarô Yoshida OB(joined 1955,Missing since about 1980). The publication of the reduced edition was conducted by "Sekibundô Publishing", run by Mitsuhito Moriyama OB(joined 1951,passed away in 2004).(Number of members: 139 at the inaugural general meeting at the Pearl Hotel Ryogoku in June 1974,89 at the final general meeting at the Ikebukuro Hotel Metropolitan in July 2015; the number of members has been reduced due to passing away and missing.Reference:"List of the Alumni of Our Association,Missing and Passed Away".)
 University of Tsukuba currently has a newspaper called "University of Tsukuba Newspaper", but this newspaper is a public relations paper issued by the university authorities and is not a student newspaper with independent editorial rights. However, the first publication of this newspaper was done by Tatsuya Matsubara OB(Associate Professor, University of Tsukuba at the time,joined 1951,passed away in 2020). In contrast, students of the university used to publish "Tsukuba Student Newspaper", but it is no longer published.(Succession Relationship with Our Association)  
 Tokyo University of Education Newspaper Alumni Association was founded on June 2, 1974, but this site was not established until February 5, 1999, some 25 years later. It was opened at the suggestion of Kazuo Nakagawa OB(joined 1966), who was engaged in the translation of computer-related books at the time.He has been using the Internet for work since it was still in its infancy.He is now in Fukui Prefecture, but lived in Tokyo at the time.There is also his own website at that time, although it has not been updated.Take the proposal,Kenji Maezawa OB(joined 1964) is in charge of this project as the site manager.The first site was on Asahi Net.(See "Circumstances that led to the establishment of this site" below.)
 Currently, our head office is located in "Book Azusa"(Nishi-Shinjuku 8-10-8,Shinjuku Ward) run by Chiaki Mizusawa OB(joined 1967), which manages the sales of the reduced edition.Until April 2001,it was located in "Sekibundô Publishing"(Yamabuki-cho 81,Shinjuku Ward,already closed), run by Mitsuhito Moriyama OB(joined 1951,passed away in 2004).The current publisher of the same name is unrelated.
 Reference: Commemorative photograph of the summer camp of Tokyo University of Education Newspaper Society on July 29, 1965 (at Gakutôryô Dorm, Lake Yamanaka)
 Please use the bulletin board on this site or Facebook of Tokyo University of Education(Japanese version or English version) to communicate with people related to Tokyo University of Education.
 Sites operated by this association members are collected on the page "Sites of Our Association Members".
OB会員用メーリング・リストAllserverのメールアドレスは tuenews@ml.allserver.jp です。登録済のOB会員のみ使用可能です。参加希望の方は管理者まで連絡をお願いします。
 The email address for the "Allserver" mailing list for this association is tuenews@ml.allserver.jp. Only registered members can use it.If you are interested in participating, please contact the site manager.
If you wish to contact the manager of this site, please use the "Contact us by e-mail" section of the bulletin board.To prevent spam mail, the e-mail address is not shown, but if needed we can notify you the address.

当サイトについて(About this Site)

当サイトはリンク・フリーです。当サイトの構成および2フレーム表示する場合のディレクトリのアドレスは以下のようになっています。適切なディレクトリにリンクしてください。(This site is link-free.The structure of this site and the directory addresses for two-frame display are as follows.Link to the appropriate directory.)

Top東京教育大学新聞会 OB会http://tue.news.coocan.jp/
 Tokyo University of Education Newspaper Society Alumni Associationhttp://tue.news.coocan.jp/index-e.htm
Union of All Japan Student Press(1949-1970)http://tue.news.coocan.jp/upu/index-e.htm
 Requiem for Tokyo University of Education,30 Years of Glory and Passionhttp://tue.news.coocan.jp/tue-e.htm
Memories Slideshow 想い出の東京教育大学http://tue.news.coocan.jp/memories/
 Slideshow "Memories of Tokyo University of Education"http://tue.news.coocan.jp/memories/index-e.htm
Principal Sin-itiro Tomonaga talked about his old days at the Festival of Tôkaryô Dormhttp://tue.news.coocan.jp/tomonaga/index-e.htm 
Tsukuba Relocation Problem of Tokyo University of Educationhttp://tue.news.coocan.jp/tsukuba/index-e.htm
 About Tokyo University of Educationhttp://tue.news.coocan.jp/atue-e.htm
Websites of the Alumni of Tokyo University of Educationhttp://tue.news.coocan.jp/alumni-e.htm

当サイトの開設に至った事情(Circumstances that led to the establishment of this site)

 30年ほど前のこと、現在は福井県大飯町の実家に在住の中川OBが、保谷(現・西東京、旧保谷寮の近く)の水沢OB経営のアパートに住んで、パソコン関連書籍の翻訳に従事していたが、管理者宅(練馬区石神井台)に近く自転車で約20分の距離だったので時々遊びに行っていた。仕事の関係から彼は、当時からインターネットを使い、自分のサイトも作っていた。その中川OBからある日、「インターネット ホームページデザイン」(1995年翔泳社)という本を貸与され「何かホームページを作ってみろ」と勧められたのがきっかけ(この本は、返却後、自分で購入した)。内容まで指示されたわけではなく、では縮刷版の刊行で話題となった当会のサイトを作ってみようと思ったのは私の判断(どうせ作るなら個人的なサイトより、公共性の高いものの方が良いと考えた。ただし、個人的サイトも併設した)。そこで自分もインターネットの利用を始め、サイトを開設したのが1999年2月5日のことだった。(当時はまだADSLも光回線も無い、ダイヤルアップ接続の時代だったが、比較的早い時期に作れて良かった。)事後承認されたが、OB会総会の決定で設置されたものではなかった。その時すでに大学閉学後20年以上経過していたが、大塚キャンパスの新聞会室はそのまま残されおり、そこに放置されていた大量の資料や写真がサイトの作成に利用出来た。(謄写版印刷機も持ち出して、数年私用に使っていたがその後廃棄した。縮刷版刊行のため、新聞のバックナンバーはすべて回収済みだったが、ロッカーなどはそのまま放置してしまった。)もう少し遅かったら、すべて処分されていたことだろう。当サイト成立の事情には様々な偶然の要素が重なりあっており、奇跡に近いものがあったと言えるかもしれない。

About 30 years ago, Nakagawa OB, who now lives at his parents' home in Oi-machi, Fukui Prefecture, lived in an apartment managed by Mizusawa OB in Hoya (now Nishi-Tokyo, near the former Hoya dormitory) and was engaged in translating computer-related books.Since it was close to the manager's house (Shakujiidai, Nerima-ku, Tokyo), about 20 minutes away by bicycle, I sometimes went there to visit. One day, this Nakagawa alumnus lent me a book titled "Internet Home Page Design" (Shoei-sha, 1995) and encouraged me to "try making some homepages.(I purchased this book myself after returning it.) I was not instructed on the content of the site, but rather, it was my decision to create a website for the Association, which has become a hot topic with the publication of the reduced edition. I thought that if I was going to build one, it would be better to make it public rather than a private site.However, it also has a personal website So I started using the Internet myself and opened a website on February 5, 1999.(At the time, there was still no ADSL or fiber optic line, and dial-up connections were still being used, but I was glad that I was able to build it relatively early days.) It was approved after the fact, but was not established by decision of the General Assembly of the Association. At that time, more than 20 years had already passed since the university closed its doors, but the newspaper society room on the Otsuka campus remained intact, and the large amount of documents and photos that had been left there were available for use in the creation of the website. I also took a mimeograph printing press and used it for personal use for a few years, then discarded it. All back issues of the newspaper had already been collected, but lockers and other items were left untouched. Had it been a little later, all would have been disposed of. The circumstances surrounding the establishment of this site were a combination of various coincidental factors, and one might say that it was something close to a miracle.

当サイトの開設から現在までの経緯(History of this site from its inception to the present)

February 5,1999
"Tokyo University of Education Newspaper Society Alumni Association Page" (including "The Union of All Japan Student Press") is launched on the Asahi Net (dial-up connection at the time).Naturally, the articles were small in quantity at first.
April 5,1999
Opened a slideshow "Memories of Tokyo University of Education" on Geocities (City: Berkeley) using Kodak Photo Frame provided by Geocities.At the time, the number of photos was small and not well received,but later gradually added more.
September 19,2000
管理者のプロバイダ変更により、「東京教育大学新聞会OB会のページ」(含「全日本学生新聞連盟」)をAsahiネットからJ:COMに移動。(AsahiネットのADSL接続への対応が遅れていたため、東京都練馬区の管理者宅の周辺で始まったケーブル接続サービスに切り替えたもの。当時のアドレスはhttp://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/lionsboy/ 他。1アドレスでは容量が足りず、複数のアドレスを使用。)
Due to the administrator's change of provider, the "Tokyo University of Education Newspaper Society Alumni Association Page" (including "The Union of All Japan Student Press") was moved from Asahi Net to J:COM. (Because Asahi Net was late in supporting ADSL connection, we switched to a cable connection service that had started around the manager's home,Nerima Ward,Tokyo.The main address at that time was http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/lionsboy/.Capacity is not sufficient at one address and distributed to multiple addresses.)
Geocities was merged into Yahoo! JAPAN, and the slideshow service of Kodak Photo Frame was discontinued. After temporary use of Yahoo! Box,"Memories of Tokyo University of Education" was changed to a slideshow using JavaScript on J:COM.This enabled a description to be added to the photos.(Yahoo! Box still exists.)
Added 'teacup. BBS" provided by GMO.(This board closed at August 1, 2022, 1:00 p.m.)
April 10,2010
Added a page "Tsukuba Relocation Problem of Tokyo University of Education" to the site on J:COM.
January 26,2011
Added a page "Principal Sin-itiro Tomonaga Talked about His Old Days at the Festival of Tokaryo Dorm" to the site on J:COM.This has almost filled up the web space on J:COM.
September 17,2016
With the discontinuation of J:COM's Web space service, all pages were moved to coocan.jp operated by @nifty and the address was changed to http://tue.news.coocan.jp. (J:COM's capacity per address was small and distributed to multiple addresses.)This gave the site more capacity.
June 5,2020
Changed the title of the top page from "Page of Tokyo University of Education Newspaper Society Alumni Association" (see the October 1, 2016 archive) to "Tokyo University of Education Newspaper Society Alumni Association".(Omit the "page of" part in Japanese title.)
March 23,2021
OB会内でサイトの英文化の提案があり、「想い出の東京教育大学」に英語版ページ"Memories of Tokyo University of Education"を併設。他のページも一部英文化。
The alumni association members proposed the English version of the website, and an English version of the "Memories of Tokyo University of Education" page was added to the "Memories of Tokyo University of Education" section. Other pages were also partially translated into English.
August 27,2022
New bulletin board provided by Rocket BBS was set up due to the termination of "teacup BBS" provided by GMO(Closed at August 1,2022).Until then, FC2BBS is tentatively used.

当サイト・トップページへのアクセス記録(Access Records to this Top Page) 1999.2.5 Asahiネット上に開設、カウント開始/2000.9.19 AsahiネットからJ:COMに移行時 6,950件/2003.5.9 20,000件/2004.8.24 30,000件/2005.6.22 40,000件/2006.5.25 5,0000件/2007.7.30 60,000件/2008.10.13 70,000件/2010.1.9 80,000件/2011.1.27 90,000件/2012.2.22 100,000件/2013.6.10 110,000件/2015.3.9 120,000件/2016.9.17 J:COMからcoocan.jpに移行時 128,860件/2016.11.17 130,000件/2017.11.16 140,000件/2018.8.13 150,000件/2019.4.24 160,000件/2019.12.30 170,000件/2020.8.16 180,000件/2021.2.28 190,000件/2021.8.11 200,000件/2022.3.11 210,000件/2022.8.13 220,000件/2023.2.14 230,000件/2023.8.15 240,000件/2024.2.21 250,000件/2024.10.18 260,000件

東京教育大学新聞会OB会(Tokyo University of Education Newspaper Society Alumni Association)

本部事務局(Head Office) : あずさ書店(Book Azusa) 〒160-0023 東京都新宿区西新宿8-10-8 電話(Phone) 03-5389-0435
サイト管理担当(Site Management) : 1964年入会 前澤研爾(Kenji Maezawa,Member since 1964) 
 : 管理者宛メール=掲示板・お問い合わせ(Contact us by e-mail via BBS)

Copyright(C) Tokyo University of Education Newspaper Society Alumni Association. All Rights Reserved.
